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Q: Is it against the law to keep a horse in your bathtub in SC?
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It is not against the law i do it all the time

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No it isn't.

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No, why would it be against the the law to keep something you found? It's already yours... so keep it. You'll be rich. : )

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Yes, if you want to. It is advised to not keep them but there is no law against it.

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Yes i know this because we were goin to do it and we asked my mom and then she said no it is against the law!!

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in the bathtub

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Yes. There is not a law against have squirrels.

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um.... you're a human, you cant get a horse pregnant and its against the law in most countries. dont be gross.

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The Answer is Yes But You Can keep The Copies For Yourself

Is there a in Texas law that when you get out of prison they give you two gold coins rifle and a horse?

No. As a matter of fact, if you were convicted of a felony, it is against the law for you to ever possess a rifle.