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it is allowed to throw a food waste overboard near the port

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Q: Is it allowed throw food waste overboard while vessel is in port?
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What are negative impacts of submarines have on life?

Contrary to activist groups claims, Navy ships and submarines rarely use active sonar. Active sonar produces sound, and lots of it, that gives away a vessel's position to other enemy ships and submarines. The biggest impact that subs have on marine life, is that they pump waste overboard. Sewage is very popular with schools of fish, because the think it tastes great. Oil being pumped overboard is bad. The crews make every effort not to pump oily waste overboard. There are collection tanks just for oily water and such.

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You are allowed to mixed a non-hazardous waste with a hazardous waste

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they throw their waste into space . :D

How do you waste?

Flush it down the toilet, or you can throw it out.

Where may human waste be dumped overboard while inland waters?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

Where may untreated human waste be dumped overboard while on inland?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

Do cruise ships throw garbage overboard?

Maritime law allows dumpng of some types of garbage at a certain minimum distance from land, though most cruise lines voluntarily restrict themselves to discharging only food waste at least 12 miles from shore.

Where may untreated human waste be dumped overboard while inland waters?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

How do you get rid of toxic waste?

Ughh..Throw it away?(:

What can you do to reduce the waste you throw?

reduce and re-use.

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all have just throw there waste..........

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all have just throw there waste..........