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Q: Is it allowed to dump food waste overboard 10 nm off the coast of Algeria?
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Is it allowed throw food waste overboard while vessel is in port?

it is allowed to throw a food waste overboard near the port

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You are allowed to mixed a non-hazardous waste with a hazardous waste

Where may untreated human waste be dumped overboard while on inland?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

Where may human waste be dumped overboard while inland waters?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

Where may untreated human waste be dumped overboard while inland waters?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

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How has the toilet change?

it has allowed us to get rid of our waste

Where may untreated human waste be dumped overboard on inland waters?

It may never be dumped in inland waters.

Where does cruise ship pollution go?

Waste water from toilets goes to a waste water treatment plant. So called gray water from showers and bathroom sinks goes straight overboard. Food waste and packing materials gets burned in an incinerator. Other incombustible materials gets compressed and send to a plant ashore. Oil and sludge in the engine room normally get separated from the water and the sludge gets burned in the incinerator and the clean water gets pumped overboard.

How has the toilet changed America?

it has allowed us to get rid of our waste