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You should definitely avoid letting your cat (or dog) eat Chewing Gum. Try to keep it out of their reach. Some of them contain an ingredient that can be very poisonous. Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in many types of candy, chewable vitamins, sugarless baked goods, and in sugarless gum like Trident™ and Orbit™. As little as three grams (e.g. about five pieces of gum) can kill a 65 pound dog, with smaller dogs succumbing to just one or two sticks. Within 15-30 minutes of ingesting Xylitol, a pet's insulin levels will surge and blood sugar levels will drop, resulting in lethargy and loss of balance. Permanent brain damage can occur and without treatment liver failure will result in death within 24 hours. Diabetics that might have sugarless baked goods or other sugarless products in the home should be especially careful to read all ingredients before sharing food. If a dog or cat should ingest a product that contains Xylitol call your veterinarian or animal emergency services immediately. You might be instructed to induce vomiting if the dog is already having a reaction or if the office is more than 30 minutes away. Do not leave products containing Xylitol within a pet's reach.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Yes, it will get stuck on theirr teeth, and if they swallow it, they will probably choke to death

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14y ago

It will not chew the gun onless you put a smell on it that the cat likes.
Trust me i have done it and my cat ate half of a hubba bubba max gum.

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