

Best Answer

yes u should get that stopped by the age 5

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Q: Is it babyish for a nine year old to suck their thumb?
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Related questions

Can a nine year old suck their thumb?

They CAN suck their thumb, however by that age, they should have grown out of it.

Is it babyish for a nine year old to have a blanket?

no if it makes you happy keep it no matter what people say

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Is it normal for a 15 year old male to still suck his thumb?

Approximately 3-5% of U.S. males, age 15, suck their thumbs. It's a "normal" habit but often hidden due to the social stigma attached to it.

What are some movies for a 9 year old?

not something too scary but not something too babyish

Is it really a fact or really an opinion that an 18 year old watching only cartoons is babyish?

It's an opinion.

Is Hannah Montana babyish?

Well I think Hannah Montana is babyish i used to like her but now all the little kids go and watch her concert. None of 13 year olds or 12 year olds go and wacth it. Well i got over liking her p.s. her voice is AWFUL IT KILLS ME!!!!

Why do people refuse to learn that 18 year olds can watch only cartoons if they LOVED them?

Because they think that watching cartoons is babyish, it's not

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Indians suck really bad this year because they are bithes or slaves to Chinese people

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Can a nine year old have peirod?

yes nine year olds can get their period

Can a 12 year old shop in the junior section in stores?

yes! of course!,girls clothing is to babyish. Girls this age want to feel more grown for example bathing swim tops,girls swim tops dont have any padding they should cause some 12 year old girls are already growing their things already and the designs on them swim tops are to babyish! so yes 12 year old girls can shop in the junior section at stores!