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No, it isn't bad. Some find jobs/internships in the area that they study so this may help them get experience and a job later. The more work experience you have the better off you are when you do apply for a job. A person with experience is more likely to get work than a person who has none.

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Q: Is it bad for any college student to never have summer jobs?
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Is it bad for all college and university students to never have summer jobs?


Is it possible for college students to still have fun without summer jobs?

Anyone, college student or not, can have fun with or without a summer job. It is a matter of attitude more than anything else.

Why are college students NEVER on MSN during their summer break?

They tend to be busy with their jobs or courses, or whatever

Is it absolutely mandatory for every college and university student to get summer jobs?

No, it's not mandatory. But if you want to get some $ then you should get a job. It depends on your age.

Where can college student find summer jobs that are not internships?

A college student can go and apply for several different jobs. If they are not looking for a internship position then they may try a grocery store job. They may also try to go apply for other retail or any other positions that may be of interest to them.

Why are college students never online on MSN during their summer break?

some of them have jobs, some of them are busy studying summer courses, some of them are doing internships

Is it mandatory for college students to get summer jobs?


Are summer jobs obligated for all college and university students?

Summer jobs are not an obligation. But they are a smart decision.

What student jobs are available summer 2008 in Wolverhampton?

Since you're looking for student summer job opportunities in Wolverhampton, you can start your search

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