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Why would you throw away a crab's molt? They are great Pizza toppings. #StupidIdiot

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Q: Is it bad if a hermit crab changes shells without molting?
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Do hermit crabs die after molting?

No, Hermit Crabs molt due to bodily changes. After molting they find new shells to fit their new body.

Why do hermit crabs walk around without sells?

Hermit Crabs walk around without shells because they are either molting, the climate is too hot, or they got into a shell fight with another Hermit Crab.

Do crabs shells fall of?

No hermit crabs inspect a new shell inside of their cage the they pull them self out of the shell and then drop them self into a new shell. there are videos on of crabs changing shells. so provide your crab with extra shells. i am a hermit crab owner i have watched my crabs change shells it is called molting.

What does it mean if your hermit crab come out of its shell and won't go back in?

Hermit crabs are nocturnal, so it sounds like your hermit must have gone to sleep. Mine has slept for a week, once! If you get home and you find your hermit crab out of it's shell and looking see-through, then it has molted. Hermits usually molt on their 'birthday' but stay in their shells a while prior to molting.

What does a hermit crab look like molting?

what it looks like is a naked hermit crab so if your hermit crab isn't picking it shell for almost a day get more changing shells so if your hermit crab is naked don't worry just give them some time

How do Hermit crabs adapt without shells?

Hermit crabs have adapted to live in shells, so they will die without a shell. This is because they cant revolutionize over night it taks millions of years.

Why can't hermit crabs survive without symbiotic relationship?

They won't have any shells to live in

What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

Where do sand hermit crabs get their shells?

Empty snail shells.

Where does the hermit crab get its shell?

Answer: Usually a sea snail's.

Do saltwater hermit crabs have an exoskeleton?

Absolutely. Marine hermit crabs (saltwater hermit crabs) also, like the land hermit crab, have a soft abdomen that is not protected by a hard exoskeleton, so they scavenge shells from snails as they grow to wear for protection. The marine hermit crab will also shed it's exoskeleton as it grows. This is a very fast process, taking only a few hours to a day compared to the molting process of the land hermit crab, which can take several days to a few months.

Do hermit crabs use snail shells?

not pet hermit crabs... they are too weak and fragile to keep the hermit crab save although wild hermit crabs might use them the would be sea snails which have harder shells