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Red Gills are not neccessarily a sign of problems. It all depends on many things. However, if your fish is showing signs of rapid breathing, dashing around the tank, scratching against objects in the tank etc, then your fish may well have a problem. There are many propritry brands and treatments available in pet shops for gill flukes. Just follow directions if required.

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Q: Is it bad if my fishs' gills are turning red?
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Related questions

Why the gills of fishes are red?

They are red because you can see the colour of the red blood through the thin walls of the gills. The gills carry the oxygenated blood into and around the fish just as your lungs do for you.

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Why do the fishes in the market have red gills?

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What color are the gills on a fish and why?

The gills of a healthy fish are bright red; this is because blood is flowing through them.

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Those are its gills (e.g. for breathing). Salamanders such as the Axolotl have external gills, unlike internal gills found in fish.

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What is the color of the gills?

i think it is red. Or they can be any colour its depending on the fish

What are the red hairs on an axolotl called?

I think what you're referring to are the gills.?

Why fish are red?

The gills are sided by a series of capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels. These capillaries are used to transport oxygen from the gills throughout the fish.