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no its not bad I've been having the same problem. it just means that you "poop" is too big (i know tmi) and is tearing the skin around your anus. The skin around your anus is VERY thin so it tears easily. i would recommend getting a stool softener good luck


The pain may be caused by physical damage to the anus. Damage can be caused by tears in the lining of the anus and its opening. If the damage is near to the anal orifice then the 'fissure' can cause fresh blood to appear striped down the side of the stools or the water in the toilet turning pink.

If the blood appears to be black and appear in horizontal lines across the stool then the problem is occurring further up the intestine and should be investigated by a doctor.


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Q: Is it bad if your anus hurts when you use the toilet?
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The first method is to squat in the bushes; bring either toilet roll, or a small mammal, preferably your ex, to wipe your behind with. first pull your trousers down, ensuring no penis falls out, squat over and SQUEEZE! until a large lump of feaces appeares under you anus. but be carefull not to squeeze too hard as the inside of your anus may begin to fall out. FACT .Then, using your toilet roll or your ex, wipe until there's no mess left then pull your trousers and pants up and resume your daily life. dont tell anyone. it's a secret.A toilet is used by humans to use the bathroom in their homes or in businesses.

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