

Is it bad if your chickens eat lead paint?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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yes they will potentially dye!!

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Q: Is it bad if your chickens eat lead paint?
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What is the bad thing in paint?

depends on the type of paint. it could be lead if the paint is lead-based. it could also be a copper-based poison. don't eat it!

Will you die if you eat paint?

hahah I dont suggest you eat paint. But I think that because paint now a days is not lead based you have a better chance of not dieing if you eat paint.

Is it bad to eat after you paint your nails?

not at all (:

My Chickens ate lead-based paint chips i need to know if are their eggs safe to eat and if not when will they be?

Refer to a well detailed study titled "Lead contamination of chicken eggs and tissues from a small farm flock" -Iowa State University College Veterinary Medicine

Is there any food that is not good for chickens?

It seams that chickens know what not to eat, if they have a choice. Mainly what is bad for you (like molded food) might be bad for your chicken. They eat all sorts of things, especially hens, roosters not so much.

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i dont know if they eat pigs, but i do know that chickins should not eat guinea pigs! though as they are bad for them!

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Foxes do eat chickens, given the chance.Yes

What food do chickens eat?

Chickens eat grians,some wheats and corn.

Are tomatoes bad for chickens?

No, mine used to eat tomatoes. Don't let them eat the plant though it's toxic!

Is it bad for chickens to eat snakes?

No, it is not bad for chickens to eat snakes; they are actually a good source of protein and nutrients for chickens. In the spring and summer, you may notice that your backyard hens occasionally find and eat small snakes, such as black snakes, in the garden and yard. These are typically young snakes that have recently hatched and therefore are small and tender enough for consumption by chickens. At first it may look as though a hen has found a very large worm, but upon closer inspection you can verify that it is indeed a snake she is eating.

Can chickens eat brownies?

yes, chickens can eat brownies

Can you get Lead poisoning?

Mostly in the old paint, dust and eating contaminated chickens. Chickens eat the lead paint because it is looks like the broken down egg shells. Also chicken feed had a lot of lead in the past. FDA do not inspect animal feed usually. Cat food and dog food has a lot of lead. ( do not get surprise if you dog get stupid). FDA hires oil and far-ma CIOs to run there government agency. They do not protect public from big farma and oil Co. No protection for food for your kitty or doggy or you. Genetically modify foods sold without labeling. You may become mad or get cancer from it. Was no studies.