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Im not sure But the thing i think is right is that YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER GIVE A HAMSTER A BATH it may get a cold and die if it smells bad you can go to your nearest pet smart or petland and look for a spray to keep it clean i got mine at petsmart it says -Quick & Clean instant shampoo tearless Baby powder "E-Z" No rinse bath for Bunnies, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters and pet rats SUPER PET- There is more types of stuff at pet smart that's what i did for my hamster


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Q: Is it bad if your hamster starts to shake after taking a bath?
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What happens if you didn't drown a hamster and you dried it really good and it starts limping and shaking and died the next day?

dont bath another hamster again in my life

Can you take a bath a hamster?


Your hamster was taking a bath and fliped over dead you saved him butt he stared runing around then died 6 hours later?

WHAT YOU BATHED IT!!!???? Hamsters clean themselves!!! You don;t bath it and if you hamster flopped over but didn't die; I've seen this it usually means the hamster is insane. If it died later then I'm not being mean but an insane hamster is not a healthy one. get a normal one!

Can you give a hamster a bath if it is stinky?

no. My friend's cousin tried it and their hamster died.

What if you bath your hamster what will happen?

You do not want to put your hamster in water, it could drown. To give a hamster a ''bath'' you can use a barely damp wash cloth and stroke it down it's body.

How many times do bath a Chinese dwarf hamster?

You shouldn't give a hamster a bath it can give it a chill and die.Unless your hamster is really dirty.So please be careful.Use non tear shampoo if nessary.

Can you give a teddybear hamster a bath?

you can.... but it is not good for them. your hamster will hate it. they are self clean animals.

Why did your hamster die day after you gave it a bath?

The hamster was allergic to the shampoo/soap you bathed it with

What can cause your poddle to shake intermittently?

Fear can cause your poodle to shake intermittently. Even something as every day as taking a bath can cause a dog to shake if they are afraid of the water. Being happy could also cause a dog to shake, as could being sick or feeling pain.

How do you give a hamster a bath?

you do not give a hamster a bath it will get a disease like wet tail and will surely die. A hamster shall not take a bath. it will really hurt the hamster and sooner die.

Do teddy bear hamster like to take a bath?

No, hamsters don't like getting wet. And you shouldn't give your hamster a bath in the first place, it can get pneumonia.

Can the hamster owner can take a bath?

Yes you can if they are dirty.