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It depends your age and if your getting really serious.

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Q: Is it bad not telling you parents that you have a boyfriend if so why?
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Your dad doesn't no that you have a boyfriend what do you do?

well it depends.. does your mom know if not then you should try telling them... i once kept it a secret form my parents and they took all my stuff away and i couldn't talk to my boyfriend and they broke us up.. so u should tell themm

How do you get Daniel Radcliffe to be your boyfriend?

I've no idea but i want to b his boyfriend so BAD!

What does it mean when you have a repeating dream that your boyfriend chokes you?

It seems to me that your subconscious is telling you that you need to get out of this relationship. You may already know that this guy is bad news, but for some reason you are not paying attention to your own better judgment. So your subconscious - your soul, your spirit - is telling you in no uncertain terms that this boyfriend is going to hurt you. You know this better than anyone else. So stop kidding yourself and do what needs to be done.

Im fifteen pregnant and have religious parents who dont know yet My boyfriend is very supportive and doing all he can to help get ready for the baby How do I tell my  parents?

Your parents religious or not love you and no, they will not be happy that you are pregnant, but once over the shock your parents will more than likely support you during this emotional time in your life. You cannot keep it a secret and ask your boyfriend to go with you and sit down with your parents and tell them. This will be a heavy load off both your shoulders no matter what the reaction is from your parents. You are very lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend and that shows signs of some maturity so your parents may well see that he is a responsible young man. Your parents may suggest you continue with your education since you are probably a minor, but hopefully between your mother and boyfriend they will help you look after the baby. Please talk to your parents soon because the strain of not telling them for you and your boyfriend is much worse.

What if your friends or your parents have a bigger influence on you?

bad so bad

What if your sister told your boyfriend a lie if you tell him the truth would it be wrong of him to breakup with you?

There is something suspicious about your question. Why would your boyfriend want to break up with you for telling the truth? Let me get this straight: is the truth worse than the lie? Yes, sometimes telling the truth is not too favorable. But it is certainly better than telling a lie. So, take the bull by the horns and see whether your boyfriend can take some bad (if that's what it is) news. If he can't - and depending on the truth it would never be wrong to break up with you - good riddance.

Were you ever so hurt about something you literally couldn't see someone cared?

This has happened to me on many occasions! when parents, friends or partners are so honest about what they think of something uve done or said but telling you for your own good! An example would be your boyfriend has been cheating you! and your friend tells you, your so upset that your boyfriend could have cheated and angry at the person for telling you when they have told you to protect you. I think the saying goes don't shoot the messenger! but often we do when we don't like what we are being told.

How do you persuade your parents to let you go away for a week with your boyfriend?

tell them you want to be trusted more by them so they can feel bad about being untrustworthy parents.And that you will be with him and his parents.In other words LIE.

What if your parents dont know you have a boyfriend?

If you really love your boyfriend then you will tell your parents so that you can have a full realtionship. It may be just the excitement of sneeking around behind your parents back that you love, and then again you may just love your boyfriend. You'll never really know how to have a relationship unless the most important influences in your teenage life know about it. So just tell you're parents what's up and see how it goes. IF it goes badly then you're parents probably have a good reason for not approving of the relationship.

What do you do when your boyfriend thinks your annoying would that make you an obsessive sciatic girlfriend?

If your boyfriend is telling you that you are annoying, LISTEN hard to what he is saying. Then, change your behavior to be less so.

What the relationship between child and his parents?

its so annoying always telling you wat to do

If a girl has an attitude how do you change her attitude?

You can change her attitude by doing what you are trying to change her. An example of this is, if you want to change her bad attitude toward her parents, you must also do so as to your parent what you are telling her. I tried it and it was successful.