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Not really well i don't think so it might be i do not see why its bad for your teeth

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Q: Is it bad putting a rubber bands on your teeth?
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Is it bad to braid horse tails and use rubber bands on them?

It's not really bad for most levels of showing, but in the AA shows you are not allowed to have rubber bands anywhere.

Are rubber bands bad for your hair?

No, Just a pain to take out.

How do you put on separators for your teeth?

the orthodonstist put a blue rubber band at the tip of a tool that looked like scissors (but it wasn't scissors) and stuck the band inbetween my teeth the only pain was the pressure on my gums and the annoying feel of stuff inbetween my teeth. but if they have trouble putting in the rubber band, they attach it to floss, and floss in the rubber band then they remove the floss. it doesnt hurt until like an hour or so and then it gets to hurt bad so i took ibuprofen and the pain went away.

Why do kids wear rubber bands around their wrists?

Rubber bands are used as bracelets on wrists in an attempt to break bad habits which the wearer have, instead of partaking in a bad habit. The person who wears this rubber band snaps the band in order to remind themselves not to perform those bad habits again. Teen uses these bands to support their favorite sporting teams and to serve as a fashion trend.

Can bad occlusion in a dental class 1 case be solved with only the use of a quad helix?

no No occlusal adjustment to the teeth will most likely be needed also. A Quad Helix (or quadhelix) is an orthodontic appliance for the upper teeth that is cemented in the mouth. It is attached to the molars by 2 bands and has four active helix springs that widen the arch of the mouth to make room for crowded teeth, or correct a posterior cross-bite, where lower teeth are buccal (outer) than upper teeth. A variety of this appliance is inserted into attachments that are welded to the bands. In this way the orthodontist can adjust the appliance without removing the bands.

Does pulling the teeth by hands help it to close the gap?

Moving teeth really requires the specialized skill and knowledge of a dentist, preferrably an orthodontist. There are a lot of bad things that can happen if the teeth are moved incorrectly. Furthermore, tooth movement requires a steady constant pressure as provided by orthodontic bands.

What are some bad foods for your teeth?

All sugar is bad for your teeth.

Why do good teeth go bad?

Teeth go bad of sugar

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Is burping bad for teeth?

no burping isn't bad for teeth it may be an acid/gas but it isn't a bad type which would damage your teeth

Why do the Irish have bad teeth?

Irish people don't particularly have bad teeth.

Do you have to have braces if you have bad teeth?

yes you have to have braces on if your teeth are bad or less your teeth will move alone and your mouth will be weird