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It is not bad unless milk and fish together don't agree with your stomach.

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Q: Is it bad to eat cereal before eating fish?
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Eating cereal good or bad when dieting?

cereal is good for dieting just as long as its not chocolaty always have a good breakfast in the morning.

Can fish get cramps after eating?

Anything is possible but fish probably don't get cramps after eating unless they eat something that is bad for them.

How do fish vomit?

Fish vomit from changing water conditions or from eating something bad.

Is eating fish while you're sick bad for you?

No Alba

Can fish die from eating a fish?

yes if the fish that the fish ate is poisonous or has bad chemicals in it! thanks for asking this question my name is Enyonam Eva, from Ghana !

What would make a better fish for cooking and eating -- koi or large goldfish?

Koi. As a member of the carp family, this is a highly prized fish in many Asian countries. Members of the carp family tend to get a bad name due to their sometimes 'muddy' taste. The trick to removing this flavour is to 'purge' the fish in fresh clean water for a week before eating.

Is it bad for a person to eat cereal before they sleep?

Yes, it could get stuck in your digestive system bacause it is not moving around.

Is omega 3 a bad cholesterol?

Foods with omega-3 fatty acids do reduce bad cholesterol. Eating fatty fish can be heart healthy. You should be eating at least 2 servings of fish a week according to doctors. Some people may not like the good fish and so they can take omega-3 or fish oil. But eating the fish is better for you!

What is a way of stopping a disease before it enters the body?

-Not leaving open cuts -Not eating bad food or food that has fallen on the floor -Not eating food that is bad for you

Is too much mercury from fish bad for the body?

Yes. "Too much" of ANYTHING is bad for you, but mercury is dangerous even in fairly small doses. However, the mercury levels in commercial fish are generally QUITE low; you won't get sick from eating fish twice a week. The hysterical mass media needs to work up a good scare before you'll buy their newspapers or watch their commercials.

Can you get sick from eating old fish?

It depends how the fish was kept, if frozen no you can not get sick but keep in mind the longer it sits in the freezer the taste of most soft meats will be effective. If the fish is kept outside yes you can get sick as bacteria will invade the meat.

Is eating noodles daily good or bad?

eating noodles daily is really bad since they add wax to the noodles