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Q: Is it bad to eat hard food with braces?
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What can you eat when you have braces?

You should eat soft foods like bread, rice, pasta etc. What you shouldn't eat is hard food like fried foods, gum, hard candy, apples, corn on a cob, nuts etc.

When you have braces can you eat gum?

It's recommended not to, because it can get stuck in your braces, and very hard to get that sticky mess out of them. If you want to chew gum with braces, try to be careful with it.

Is Chewy Nerds okay to eat with braces?

any type of nerds are bad

Why can't you eat chocolate with braces?

if you have white braces it can stain it. also it can stain your teeth, leaving white marks when you get your braces off.

Why cant you eat tortilla chips with braces?

Yes you can, when I had braces, I could eat whatever I wanted. But be very careful. I sometimes also eat chewy candy, but my braces never broke. I also ate corn on the cob without taking them out and apples without slicing them. It felt like I had no braces but be very careful! Good Luck!!

What if the food is bad?

If the food is bad don't eat it.

Are you allowed to eat stuffed crust with braces?

Well it's depend on how long you had them if you had them for a while now and you have no problem eating your normal food now then you are able to eat stuff crust also the crust will not harm your braces I eat it all the time it does Not ruin or break you braces.

How can braces get ruined?

I Have Braces At The Moment And I Have Done Quite Alot Of Things Too Them; don't eat migit gems or toffee cos it snaps the wires , Dont eat pot noodles as they are ded bad for your braces , pot noodles are a no no , they die them. That's About it, yu can eat everything else about .

What kind of Chinese food can you eat when you have braces?

You can have anything that fits into the general rules of braces. Don't eat anything with a taffy like consistency that will pull at your brackets and wires. Avoid foods with nuts, such as cashew chicken. Beyond that, you should be free to eat most Chinese foods.

Why is it important to brush your teeth with braces?

the food you eat can get caught in your braces, leaving bacteria that could stain your teeth. then they turn yellow like the sun

Can you eat nandos with braces?

as long as you don't eat anything hard, then yes! watch that you don't eat anything which could stain your teeth too

Can you eat crisps when you have braces?

Of course! i have braces and i eat chips all the time. If you just got your braces on, like 2 or 3 days ago, i would w:)ait. the chips might cause pain, but after 3 days, you should be fine. just be careful, and dont eat like a pig, and your braces will be fine.