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It really depends on how short your cycle is. Womens menstrual cycles can be as short as every 26 days. If your cycle is less than this & its a recent occurance then contact your Physican. If your cycle has always been like it is now, then it should be fine and nothing to worry about but do contact your Doctor if your concerned.

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13y ago

No it is not. It just means you have low blood flow

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13y ago

No, not at all! Actually, consider yourself lucky. The shorter the better when it comes to periods.

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Q: Is it bad to have a menstruation cycle for 28 days long?
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Is it bad to have your menstrual cycle longer then 4days?

No, it isn't bad to have your menstrual cycle longer than 4 days. The term menstrual cycle means the reproductive cycle, which is typically 28 days long. If you mean menstruation then this is normally between 5-7 days long but a little shorter is fine too.

What things must you take note of during menstruation?

How long your period lasts, how heavy or light the flow is, how bad are your cramps / mood, the days between your menstruation and last but not least how often you are changing tour pad / tampon.

Does menstrual cycle smell?

Menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, if a woman is fertile she is always on her menstrual cycle. I think you're asking if menstruation smells, there is a smell but it shouldn't smell bad - maintaining good hygiene prevents odour, also avoiding unhealthy menstrual products such as tampons and commercial sanitary pads will prevent bad odour too.

Is it bad that you are menstruation for over 1 month?

Yes,it is

Will anything bad happen if you take a birth control pill in the middle of your cycle?

No, it will become fully effective after about 10 days, and your cycle will adjust to the pill cycle. Always use a second method of contraception!

What limit is there on the taking of the birth control pill to balance out menstruation?

THere is no limit. You can take it as long as you like, and as long as no new health concerns crop up that might make it a bad choice.

Can you start your period every 42 days?

Absolutely. Cycle lengths vary from person to person and can even vary at different times in someone's life. It's normal. My cycle's generally every 42 days and my hormone levels test normal and I am fertile. Lots of factors can affect cycle length, however. If my diet is bad and I become anemic, my cycle becomes shorter and heavier, and often when I travel, it becomes longer. I think that average cycles are between 28 and 40-something days long.

How long until egg yolk goes bad?

5 days

How long is the pee holding time?

the record is 21 days but it's bad to hold it that long

Is menstruation bad before having your period?

I think it bad because it stops the blood from flowing through your vagina

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No, grape juice has no effect on menstruation.

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Three days because bad people made stickers a long, long, time ago!