

Is it bad to have a walnut tree near a garden?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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No, it is not bad to have a walnut tree near a garden, but it is bad to put a garden near a walnut tree. At least a black walnut tree such as we have here in Ontario Canada. The tree, juglens nigra, exudes a toxic substance called juglone which will stunt or prevent growth of many plants. For this same reason NEVER use the wood for areas where horses may be kept. A horse will gnaw at the wood and the walnut wood is toxic to the horse and you will have to have the animal destroyed. It can live through sometimes, but the amount of suffering is too much. If one acquires shavings to be used for animal bedding, be sure to ascertain that there are no walnut shavings amongst the rest. sorry, I didn't realize that I had to sign in...the Captain

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Q: Is it bad to have a walnut tree near a garden?
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