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It sure helps! Crate help with housetraining because puppies will instinctively not "go" in their crates, because it is their "den". Just make sure that is is big enough that he/she can stand up and turn around, but not so big that they can section it off into a "potty area" and a "sleeping area". Also, puppies in crates cannot chew things that they shouldn't or swallow dangerous or valuable items. Make sure you do not make them live in their crate all the time. As a general rule, puppies can stay in their crates for as many hours as months they are old, plus one. A 10 week old puppy is 2 1/2 months old, so s/he can stay in the crate for 3 1/2 hours without needing a potty break. When they reach 6 months old, they can hold it up to 8 hours. This is how long they CAN stay in their crates, if needed, that does not mean that they SHOULD. For house training, put puppy in the crate for as long as it has been determined they can stay in the crate. Take them out, let them potty, and play for 1/2 to 1 hour. put them in the crate for that amount of time twice a day at least, plus whenever you cannot supervise them. Then if they need to stay in the crate for longer periods of time, such as in your absence or while traveling, they will be used to it. It is not cruelty. Make sure that the crate is a pleasant place to be by always providing a toy in the crate that is not given at any other time.

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14y ago

He should be in his crate when you cannot supervise him. If it's going to be more than two hours, then you should put him in a dog-proof safe area instead, such as a puppy pen or laundry room. For toilet training, he only needs to be in his crate at night and when he has reached a scheduled potty time but has not yet gone. Once he goes, he can be free to interact with family and enjoy the home. If he's destructive, rather than crating all the time, try teaching him to use chew toys. Stuffed kongs are a particular favorite of most dogs. Once he learns to entertain himself with chew toys he'll be less likely to chew things he shouldn't. Other things that decrease destructive behaviors are vigorous exercise (a tired dog is a good dog), and tethering him to your belt by a four foot leash so he's always in sight and being supervised.

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13y ago

Puppies, although they will want to be with you, should be kept in a kennel at bed time, or when you leave the house. They feel safe. But you should NEVER by a pet from a puppy mill. Find out where the people have their pups and report them to your local ASPCA. Are you sure you mean a mill, or is it just that they breed pups but under good conditions? There is a huge difference.

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Is there any flaws in crate training?

Crate training is often the best way to train a dog. I do not see ant flaws in it.

What size do miniature Australian shepherds need there crate to be?

From the size of the dog they should be in a medium crate maximum.

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When crate training do you put the crate near you at night?

In my opinion you should start with the dog crate next to you, and start moving it away from you little by little.

Should you put puppy pads in its crate for overnights?

There should be no need for puppy pads. The crate should be big enough for the dog to stand up, turn around and lay down. The dog should be given an opportunity to eliminate before crating and immediately afterwards, it should not be left so long that it feels the need to eliminate within the crate.

Are dogs kept in cages?

No, dogs should never be 'kept' in cages. They should be able to walk freely. That should not be confused with a dog 'crate', which is in the form of a cage, but not for the same function as a rodent cage for example where the animal lives inside it. A dog crate replicates a dog's 'den' and gives it a secure, familiar place to go inside if needed. There are ways of training the dog using the crate, and it can be used to transport the dog on a short trip. However the dog is not 'kept' in the crate, long term.

When to end crate training?

I think you should probably never end crate training. What's the point of crate training if you take away the crate? The point of a crate is to be able to go away and you don't have to be worrying what your dog is doing. Hope this helps! Have a nice day.

What is the difference between a dog crate and kennel?

A dog crate as I understand it is for transportation and the the kennel is for housing/protection

If you make going to the crate a punishment what happens?

making the crate a punishment may confuse the dog because the crate is supposed to be a secure place for the dog a place a dog can go to sleep or just be alone.

Should you cover a crate when dog is in it?

Usually, it is not necessary to cover the crate. It depends on the situation. If the dog is not expected to sleep, leave the cover off so that he can see whats going on around the crate, like if it is a puppy being crate trained. If the dog is expected to sleep, but his surroundings are distracting, a cover may be useful to block out disturbances. If the rest of the household is calm (for example, at night), a cover is not usually necessary, but if the dog is being noisy and refuses to be quiet, a cover may be useful to calm him/her down. However, it would be best to use this as only a temporary solution. Ideally, the dog should be taught that noisiness in the crate is not an acceptable behaviour.

Can you crate train an adult dog?

yes, if you introduce the dog to the crate properly. don't just shove it in there and leave it alone.

How to carry a big crate with a big saint Bernard inside?

Carrying a big crate with a Saint Bernard inside can be a difficult maneuver. In order to ensure the dog's comfort, a trolley or dolly should be used to move the crate.