

Is it bad to peel a burn?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Well, It isn't the best thing to do. If i were you i would just leave it alone till it goes away. :)

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Q: Is it bad to peel a burn?
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It gives you a freezer burn

When you get a really bad sunburn is there a way to not peel and keep the tan?

No, sunburn is a burn. It kills the surface layer of skin and this will peel off. However, gentle, short and prolonged exposure to the sun (never getting burned in the process) will cause melanin to appear in your skin. This sort of tan is not caused by a burn and is a semi permanent change in your skin (provided exposure to sun is kept up) and this will not peel off. HOWEVER please remember that exposure to the sun (UV rays) is harmful to the skin and can cause skin cancers later in life - bad sunburn is especially dangerous for this!

Why does a burn peel?

getting rid of dead skin. there is fresh skin underneath

If you get a sunburn how do you make it not red?

No one believes me, but I take as hot of a shower as I can stand and I never burn or peel. yes that works I do it all the time. I also put vinegar on it. It makes it not sting as bad.

Why can you not peel a lie bump?

It will bleed and it hurts real bad and things get real bad

Is it normal to peel after three weeks of sun exposure?

Well If you have gotten sun burn, the skin that was burned will start to peel away. That happens to everybody and it is perfectly normal.

Is it bad to peel skin off your nipples?

uh.... YES

Does that guy get burn in bad romance?

Yes, there is a guy who gets a burn in the bad romance.

Is orange peel healthy?

no it can cause bad chocking and sometimes can cause very bad bleeding to throat

Will you peel from a tanning bed?

Peeling is the result of skin damage from overexposure to sunlight. That sunlight can be natural or simulated sunshine. If you are tanning indoors and follow the exposure schedule then you should not burn and therefore will not peel.