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Directions for Swallowing/Aspiration of a Bracket, Band or Piece of braces Most parts of the braces are designed with smooth edges so that, if they are swallowed, they will pass easily through the digestive tract. Therefore, if a part of the appliance is swallowed, remain calm and contact our office so we can replace the part as necessary. In extremely rare cases, a piece of the orthodontic appliance could act as a choking hazard, similar to a chicken bone or other foreign object. If a piece of the appliance has lodged in the throat, attempt to cough it out or dislodge it with the Heimlich maneuver. If airway obstruction is suspected, do not delay and get immediate emergency medical attention (dial 911). Once medical intervention is completed, please contact our office for follow up care.

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Q: Is it bad to swallow a metal braces bracket?
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Is chewing on a pen bad for your braces?

Yes. I just got mine off and it was a bad idea. It can even brake a bracket.

Which candy is bad for braces?

Litterally all candy gets sugar around the bracket. Especially caramel, toffe, and gum

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I have never heard of any bad health as a result of braces. I had braces when I was a teenager and it never affected my health.

Do you have to have braces if you have bad teeth?

yes you have to have braces on if your teeth are bad or less your teeth will move alone and your mouth will be weird

How do braces come off?

they take off the wire first than they heat the glue up that's on every bracket (piece of metal) this takes 30 minutes to an hour and I didn't have fun doing this. make sure you wear the retainer! its very important to keep your teeth straight and if you thought every tightening was bad the teeth trying to shift back without the braces in your mouth can be 10x worse than that.

Is it bad to suck deck and swallow it's hormons?

it is bad to swallow the hormons you could get sick

Is it bad if you get braces in seventh grade?

No not all. People get braces even before seventh grade. It is normal to have braces.

Does coke hurt braces?

The only bad thing about drinking fizzy drinks like coke is that if the sugary substance is left on your braces it can rust the metal. This means that you have to brush your teeth about 30 minutes afterwards to make sure that this doesn't happen.

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Can a person have a dangerous reaction to braces?

probably not too bad. i got thrush the first week but all i had to do was take some medicine. I guess maybe if you were allergic to metal

Will Justin Bieber go out with a girl that is going to get braces?

yeah, why wouldn't he?Braces aren't bad!

If you get braces does it fell bad?

It dose fell bad, thank for questun