

Is it bad to whip your horse?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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It is bad to whip your horse, if he/she is not doing anything wrong. If your horse, or pony is seriously not listening to you, you should lightly whip them, and not threaten them too much.

Remember, if you whip your horse for little or no reason, imagine you being that horse. You would also be in pain, and confusion.

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Q: Is it bad to whip your horse?
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Horse that's not afraid of the whip?

the horses that are scared of whips are the ones that have been physically abused with the whip or have had a bad experience with them

What is a whip?

It depends on what type of whip. If it is a horse ridding aid, then it encourages the horse to obey your hand, leg and voice command. If it is a cart whip, it gets the horse/horses moving. Please note: DO NOT use a whip in an offensive or hurtful manner!

Your horse bites the lunging whip what do you do He also bucks and rears before he grabs it with his teeth and tries playing tug a war?

Is the lunging whip close to his mouth, because it shouldn't be. Keep it close to his back hooves when lunging. If you have a lead rope while lunging, and the horse tries to turn around and nibble the whip, keep control of him with the lead rope. When he starts bucking and rearing, take this as a sign that he is about to bite the whip. Ignore the bucking and rearing, he will soon see that he doesn't get extra attention from it and stop. When he tries to play tug of war, don't fight with him. Let him have the whip, don't encourage him by playing along. Eventually he will get the idea and drop it. You should look into lunging correctly to make sure that he isn't doing this because of you. Remember that the lunging whip is not to be used on the horse, the horse should only be guided by the whip's position and the sound that it makes. If you have been hitting or tapping your horse with the lunge whip for encouragement, you may be annoying your horse. The thin lunge whip feels like a fly or something tickling the horse if you use it very lightly. Instead of making contact to the horse with the whip, tap the whip on the ground. The sound that the whip makes will tell your horse what to do.

How do you use the whip in Championship horse trainers?


My horse bucks when you tap him with the whip because he wont go why does he do this?

My horse Prince use to do exactly the same so we took him to the vets and their was nothing wrong, so we figured that it must just be that he is scared of the whip so we never or try not to use a whip on him. If you want to get your horse used to the whip i suggest you bond a lot with him and then stroke him gentaly all over with the whip and then give him little taps and then stroking, little taps, and then stroking and so on until he is fine with it. Hope this helps

How do you get a whip on Howrse?

You can find items like a whip when you put your horse in his box. You won't find one right away, but you can find one sooner if you put your horse in the box for a longer amout of time.

What nouns would you use for a horse in a horse race?

horse, track, race, whip, saddle, bridle, jockey, hooves, nostrils...etc.

What is a 'whip hand'?

It is the hand you hold your whip in, back from the days when you drove a horse carriage instead of a car. It's just your dominant hand.

What is the name of a rope that we use to beat a horse to move?

I believe you mean to "hit" or "tap" the horse not beat it and you would use a "whip" to urge the horse on.

When somebody whips a horse racer does it hurt?

Yes it does hurt as any whip does.

What must you try never to be when riding a horse?

Drunk and irresponsible and harsh with a whip!

What do you need to jump a horse?

you need a whip and some water and thats all