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Keep the friendship. It's going to be hard for a while, but the feelings will subside and the friendship can go on. We can't make people love us and it hurts, but don't let go of good friends because of it. Enjoy and cherish what you do have.

I recently had a friend who I almost became sexually involved with. We had known each other through social gatherings and bar room chatter. We are both married and love our spouses. (Well it least on my part) All of a sudden this Man who is 23 years older than me started to feel me out. What I mean is asking specific questions regarding my relationship with my husband. Like asking if my husband and I are having sex and various other matters. One night while I was going back to the bathroom he cornered me and laid a kiss on me that took my breathe away. Since then we have met on various other occassions and have been extremely attracted to each others wants and desires. Passions were running very high up until yesterday. He asked me if I would be with him sexually and I was going to arrange the time to have this happen but when I brought up the subject of this he didn't say yes or really didn't say no. So I decided to withdraw my offer and step back and look at the whole big picture. I called him today and left a message saying that this could not go on anymore and that I wanted to save our friendship! I told him that I truly cared for him and that I have never been the type of girl to run around with every guy before and that I appeciated him as a person and wanted to remain friends. I think I made the right choice but I still will never know how he feels. I wonder how long this will last. My decision.

Why are you giving up and so easily?! Give it some time. Some friendships will eventually grow into relationships as time goes on. If not, then staying good friends will be cherished in the long run. Only time will tell.

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Q: Is it better to break off a friendship when your heart hurts because you want to be more than friends and you know she does not?
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well if you haven't said anything to your friend try to stay friends but don't say anything to your boyfriend.if that's to complicated think about what you cherish more love or friendship would it matter if you lost a friend or a boyfriend? for instance i have a bond with my friend and once dumped him because it was him or my friend so think of which will be better lasted for you.

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No, i don't think they did. July 18, 2008 No they are best friends have been for several years.

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Speaking from experience--Yes

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No! You'll ruin your friendship. Wait until they break up before making your move.

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you need to be able to help your best friend if it's hard and stand up for them.