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BK only stops the repo process until the BK is discharged. BK does not mean you can keep the car without paying for it.

My opinion? Give the car back.

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Q: Is it better to declare bankruptcy or have your car repossessed?
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When can a car be repossessed after bankruptcy is filed?

you better go look in you driveway

Can you go to jail after your car has been repossessed and you don't want to pay the loan?

No you can't be sent to prison.You can declare bankruptcy .

Can your car get repossessed after bankruptcy?

not if you still owe money on it

Should you let your car get repossessed or file bankruptcy or what if you wrecked your car with no insurance and you are 3 months behind on payments?

The Lender may or may not want to repo a wreck. Bankruptcy, same deal. Call the lender, tell them what the car looks like, and let them decide. ___ File bankruptcy if you are buried in unsecured debt, not to save the car. Especially a wrecked car. ___ "Repossession" looks slightly better (not MUCH better) on a credit report than a Chapter 7. Let it get repossessed.

Can you file for bankruptcy after 3 years of car being repossessed?


If you cosigned a car loan for your daughter and the car got repossessed do you both have to file for bankruptcy?

Having a car or other item repossessed does not mean anyone has to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is to protect you from creditors and should be sought if you owe more than your net worth and have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay what you owe.

If you file for bankruptcy and your car is repossessed can a friend take a loan out for you to purchase a car?

Of course, it won't legally be your car however.

Could vehicle get repo if co buyer is in bankruptcy?

The short answer is no. As long as you are making the payments the car will not be repossessed. When the co-buyer goes before the bankruptcy judge they can have the car included or excluded from the bankruptcy. If it's included then the car will be "voluntary" repossessed. If it's excluded then everything is "business as usual" for you. The key is to keep your payment current and on time.

Your car was repossessed. you have to make an offer of payment. if they do not accept the offer can they force bankruptcy?

They can't force you into bankruptcy, that is a choice you have to make based on your ability to pay your debtors. When a car is repossessed it is sold and you have to pay the difference between what you owe and the cars sale price.

What happens if my car is repossessed and then I file bankruptcy?

Any leftover debt from that car repossession can be put in your bankruptcy if you owed $12k and the bank sold it for $6k..then you can file bankruptcy on the remaining $6k.

If you file for bankruptcy and your car is being repossessed through the bankruptcy with a loan on it and the car interior has been modified and damaged would you still owe anything on it?

If the car is being repoed then you owe something.

Can you declare bankruptcy and get out of a car you owe way more than its worth?

for sure