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It's better to avoid gold all together for new piercings. Gold is not what you think it is. 18kt gold is 18/24ths gold and the rest is made up of fillers, 24kt gold is pure gold 24/24ths no fillers, 10kt gold is 10/24ths gold and the balance is again fillers. See the fillers are the problem, more often than not generally brass, copper and what ever else gets tossed into the mix. So the best bet is to go with biocompatible jewellery from the body piercing studio, once the piercing is fully healed (about 6 months or longer) you can get yourself a body jewellery gold banana bell made with neutral fillers.

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Q: Is it better to use 18k gold for belly button piercings?
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How do get gold coins on talking tom 2?

You have to press the button in the wardrobe that says my items and theirs your answer.

I got my belly button pierced 1 week ago the skin keeps growing to the belly button I keep having to break the skin away Is this Normal Its also very watery itsclear liquid but pretty red around?

if you only got it done a week ago then it can often be known for it to be red or swolen for a while and also to get a watery liquid or even some puss coming out of it i know alot of people that have had this done myself included,i had alot of swelling and puss come out of mine bathe it twice a day atleast with warm salt water with a cotton bud and it should be fine after a week or two if the problem persists than it may well be that you have a nickel allergy, which my sister has she had hers taken out an when she had it done again she had a real gold one in and now its fine her skin tore off from around the ring but if you say its watery than do what i said an you may be ok

What do you need to know about gold?

Who discovered gold?Gold was discovered so long ago that nobody knows who or when it was found.What does gold look like?It is solid and shiny?What does the element gold look like?It's a sort of metallic golden color; it looks astonishingly like gold.What is gold used for?Gold is used for rings, watches,poops, necklaces, and rings its main use is mostly jewlery, but gold toilet paper is used in some Rich peoples houses. gold also is used in a lot of high end electronics because it is a good conductor.Gold is useful in making ornaments, decorative linings and in electrical contacts for better could also be tv's,phone's,and many other things.In medicine colloidal gold is a standard and very effective treatment for gout.

How is gold processed?

gold is processed by getting gold from the gold mine, then they make it into gold bars and send it off. the shape it by melting it in a thing that they want to shape it in.

What is the Symbol for 24K gold filled jewelry?

Gold Filled: Gold filled is an actual layer of gold-pressure bonded to another metal. Gold filled is not to be confused with gold plating as filled literally has 100% more gold than gold plating. Gold filled is much more valuable and tarnish resistant. It does not flake off, rub off or turn colors. As a matter of fact, anyone who can wear gold can wear gold filled without worries of any allergic reaction to the jewelry. Gold filled jewelry is an economical alternative to solid gold!

Related questions

Does gold heal belly piercings faster?

No. Gold is merely tolerated better by your body. This is also true of titanium.

Why does your belly button reject the belly ring?

A lot of people have extreme sensitivity to metallic piercings, meaning, jewelry that is not 100% gold or silver. If you're belly button ring is metal, especially nickel, that might be the case. You also must be sure to clean it well, at least twice a day. Belly button rings are infected very easily.

What did the incas call gold?

belly button hahahaha

What kind of metals can be used in belly button piercings?

Good question.....Surgical stainless steel that is called 316 L, is what most places use if you don't ask for the better quality metals...BUT we don't like to use it in my shop, we carry 316 LVM, which is what they make surgical implants out of....316 L is what they make scalpels and forceps out of....those these are sometimes left in the body, tho they ain't sposed to.....GT-23-TI is the medical grade of titanium, the same metal they make pacemakers out of, and if you need a pacemaker, you can get it in one of 5 colors or Black or Gold, like anyone will see your pacemaker!!! But because of that technology we have Titanium jewelry, which most of the European nations are regulating for initial piercings....Do NOT use gold, niobium, or acrilics {unless it is a dental polmer based acrillic} as these are not good for initial piercings.....but once you are healed they work just fine......Hope this helps.................................

What is the best quality of belly button ring to have?

best to have a sterling silver or gold. Which ever your body does agrees with.but always have a proper sterling sliver or gold crap ones.your body will reject it. Your professional body piercer will guide you to the best materials available for new and healed body piercings. Sterling Silver and Gold are not acceptable for new piercings due to the question of bio-compatibility of the alloys used in these metals. Surgical Stainless Steel 316LVM, British Composition D Implant Steel, Implantanium, Titanium, Niobium, Bio Plast and PTFE are acceptable for new and healed piercings. Online stores don't always tell you the truth and will sell you what ever just to get your money. Purchase body piercing jewellery from well respected service providers only, if they don't do actual body piercing, then take what they say with a grain of salt.Jzuk

What store can a buy a sterling silver belly button ring from?

Some higher end shops in your area may carry sterling silver or gold jewelry, but you will almost surely have to get this offline or order it through a shop.

What does 'a gold plate doesn't fill your belly' mean?

there are some people who spend a lot of money on valuable things but not fill their belly.

What is interesting about Buddha?

The big belly buddha is a round chubby man usually gold, with a happy grin on his face. Put gold coins underneath him or rub his belly to get good luck, hi-5

Does gold or silver look better with purple?

Gold. gold is way better!

Does piercing pagoda pierce belly buttons?

I worked at a Piercing Pagoda for close to a year. They do not use needles, they use earrings that come in sterilized pre-packed compartments. The only thing they reuse is the gun they use to load the earring cartridge into. The gun never touches the ear, and if the employee is doing it correctly, they clean the ear using alcohol pads and marks with a surgical marker. It really is a 50/50 chance on whether your ears will get infected anywhere you go and as long as it's done right. Also, they give you options on what to get your ears pierced with (stainless steel, 14k gold) but they'll try to push gold on you since it costs more although it does do a better job at healing. Oh, and also, Piercing Pagodas only pierce earlobe and cartilage. They do not do body piercings, industrial piercings, or tragus piercings.

How much does it cost to get your belly button periced?

well it really just depends on where you get it periced and what kind of belly ring you get but around 30 dollars at the most. If you get a diamond one it will be more then if you get a sterling silver or gold one. Not trying to improve this answer like but what if people where in hull and didn't have dollars and they had pounds, they won't understand so try and get it right PLEASE

Are gold and silver the same when it comes to allergies to ear piercings?

Not necessarily. They are two different metals with different properties.