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Depends what the stain is from. NO way to answer this without that fact.

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Q: Is it better to use cold or hot water to get stains out of clothes?
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Related questions

What do you soak clothes in cold water to remove?

You soak clothes with blood stains on them in cold water.

How do you clean burn stains off of clothes?

hydrogen peroxide and cold water

Can you get blood stains out of clothes with water?

Clothes that get blood on them, need to be steeped in COLD water immediately otherwise the blood is nearly impossible to remove once it has dried.

Is it better to wash clothes in hot or cold water?

Hot water.

Why doesn't grease come out of cloths with cold water?

Grease stains clothes it is very difficult to get out, if it will come out at all.

Why it is easier and better to wash clothes in cold water than warm water?

Cold water is cheaper and really there's no difference but it could be easier on your clothes!

How do you remove different type of stains on cotton clothes?

Protein stains require a cold water soak.Dye stains require hot water and a pretreatment. Stubborn dye stains require bleach.Oily stains require liquid detergent put on them before they go in to the washing machine.Other stains will just come out in the wash.

Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

Can you wash clothes with blood stains on them with regular clothes?

You can, but it is not recommended. The stain may redeposit on other clothes, or the hot water might make the stain set more strongly. If you rinse the blood out with cold water, then it can be safely washed with other clothes.

What is the best way to launder silk clothes?

The best way to launder silk clothes is to soak the clothes in lukewarm water for 5 minutes, rub stains gently and then rinse in cold water. Finally, remove excess water by rolling in a towel.

What are the step ni removing stains from Clothes?

Removing stains depends greatly on the type of stain, but here si a general procedure:Remove as much of the stain as you can by blotting or scraping.Pretreat the stain.Wash the stain as you normally would. Depending on the stain, hot or cold water may be a better idea.

How do you get coffee stains out of clothes?

Coffee stains are not very difficult to remove. Washing it with detergent should be enough. If you have cream in your coffee you may want to rinse the stain in cold water first, or wash it on a cool water cycle.