

Is it call a boiling pan where you biol water?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No, it is usually called boiling pot or kettle.

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Q: Is it call a boiling pan where you biol water?
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pan boiling by the water on the stove

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A teaspoon of boiling water contains more internal energy than a pan full of water at 50 C.

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Take out and put in a pan of boiling water!!

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Steam is water in a gaseous state. Water is a compound (H2O).

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It is a physical change.

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What can get wax off a frying pan?

Hi there to get wax off a frying pan you need boiling water and a plastic slice or scraper . Pour the boiling water in the pan leave for 10 seconds then scrub .The wax should just peel right off. Or you can freeze it in a freezer and scrape it off with something like a credit card that wont damage the pan.

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Remove it an drop it into a pan of boiling water to see if it opens