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it depends on which clothes you want to buy. If you buy cheep regular clothes like from good will verses a really high dollar school uniform the better buy is regular clothes. Be more specific when asking a question like that.

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uniform. def.

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Q: Is it cheaper to buy school uniforms or normal clothe?
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Related questions

Are school uniforms cheaper than regular clothes?

In general, school uniforms can be cheaper than regular clothes because they are simple and standardized, requiring fewer variations in design and materials. Additionally, school uniforms tend to be more durable and can be worn repeatedly, potentially saving money in the long run compared to buying a new wardrobe each season.

Where can we find school uniforms and accessories for girls?

Almost any department store will provide some school uniforms and accessories. You can also check online on ebay, amazon and for cheaper deals on uniforms.

where can I buy boys school uniforms?

If you are going to a school that requires a uniform, your school should have given you information on where and when to order it, however, if for some reason you have not received information from your school about uniform shopping you should give them a call and find out what you need to know.

Why are school uniforms better that normal clothes?

School uniforms are believed to promote a sense of equality among students, decrease distractions related to fashion, and establish a sense of belonging and school pride. Additionally, they can help in reducing peer pressure and bullying based on clothing choices.

Where can i get cheap school uniforms for my kids?

You can get cheap school uniforms for your kids at They have alot of deals for school uniforms. Also Zappos and French Toast have cheap school uniforms.

Voting statistics on school uniforms?

Research on the effectiveness of school uniforms in improving academic performance and behavior is mixed. Some studies suggest that uniforms can promote a sense of unity and equality among students, while others argue that they restrict students' freedom of expression and have little impact on academic outcomes. Ultimately, the success of school uniforms may vary depending on the school's specific context and implementation.

What are normal primary school uniforms in the UK like?

The UK primary school uniform may consist of different items. One of the more common uniforms is a plain golf shirt with a school logo with plain shorts or pants. These items are usually in the school colors.

Should high school students wear uniform?

Uniforms in high school can help promote equality and reduce social pressures related to clothing choices. However, they may also restrict individual expression and creativity. Ultimately, the decision to require uniforms should consider the school's specific goals and values.

What are most school uniforms made of?

cotton. i hate school uniforms.

Are school uniforms a good or bad thing?

School uniforms can have both advantages and disadvantages. They can promote a sense of equality among students, reduce distractions, and foster a sense of community. However, they can also limit students' self-expression and individuality. Ultimately, the impact of school uniforms may vary depending on the specific school environment and culture.

How many countries have school uniforms?

Many schools that cant be listed

Who created school uniforms?

It was long ago when somebody created school uniforms