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No, because she will fancy him maybe, but he wont fancy her! But really if you dont know what cheating is, thts scary (: Cheating is where, you boyf, or girlfriend goes up to another girl/boy and goes out with them or kisses them etc, when she/he is already out with somone else! (: xx

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Q: Is it cheating when another girl asks if your dating him?
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It depends on who you kiss on the lips... If it's your mom your ok, but if it's another girl, then yeah that's cheating

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I'm confused. is the girl you're cheating with dating somebody else? if so, then obviously yes. my question is, why are you cheating in the first place?

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A cheating bi-sexual.

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When did he say these things? and are you guys dating? My opinion is that if he loves another girl, forget him. It's not fair to have a boyfriend who's "cheating" on you, even if you know he is.

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Cheating is having a romantic or sexual relationship with some else while dating or being married to a man or girl.

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Yes of course it's cheating.

What does it mean when a girl asks you why you are dating them?

She's probably asking you if you're dating her for the body, the reputation, who she is, or a combination.