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Yes its common because your body is working off the birth control pills which stop you from ovulating. Because of this your body is trying to get back on track and your ovulation cycle may be a bit messed up. It takes 3 months for the pill to be out of your system.

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Q: Is it common to have a lot of discharge after being off of the pill for a month and still have the pregnancy test come back negative?
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What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?

It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

Is having a lot of discharge right before your period a sign of pregnancy?

The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

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You differentiate pregnancy nausea from non-pregnancy nausea by taking a pregnancy test. And if it comes out negative your "not" pregnant.

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A pregnancy test can NOT be reused and it will not show a accurate answer.

Is having a discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, an increase in vaginal discharge in early pregnancy it attributed to the formation of the mucus plug. Increased vaginal discharge could also mean a yeast infection too - don't be alarmed, just visit your doctor. I'm 18 and recently have had excessive discharge, but it was only a bacterial infection!

You took a pregnancy a day before your period and it came back negative Does that mean im really not pregnant?

Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.

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You're not pregnant if you're on Depo provera and your pregnancy test is negative.

Can a negative for a pregnancy test change being positive?

Yes it can if you have tested too early. Here is a link for information on how pregnancy tests work:

I took a pregnancy test twice and it came out negative but i haven't had a period in 4 weeks am i pregnant?

If the pregnancy test came out negative, then chances are, you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are very acurate. You may also be missing your period because of stress or you worrying to much about he fact of being pregnant. If you are still worried about being pregnant wait another couple of weeks, and take another pregnancy test. Hope everything turns out as planned.

Does the womb hurt while being at the first month of pregnancy?

Cramps are common during pregnancy. It is because of the uterus stretching to make space for the baby