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yes, and it is very dangerous too

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1mo ago

Yes, entering storm drains is considered trespassing in most places since they are typically private property owned by the local government or utility companies. Additionally, storm drains can be dangerous due to factors like fast-moving water, pollutants, and limited visibility. It is best to avoid entering storm drains for your safety and to respect property rights.

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Q: Is it considered trespassing to go into the storm drains?
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Is it illegal to intentionally turn off someone else's power?

To do this, you will probably have to actually go on to their property. This is called trespassing. The act of turning someone's power off may not be illegal (provided you don't damage anything), however trespassing on their property to do it, is.

Is it trespassing if you go onto your friends property when they are not home to get your dog and other belongings?

Yes, it can still be considered trespassing even if your friend is not home. It is best to communicate with your friend and obtain permission before entering their property to retrieve your belongings.

Is it trespassing if you go into your boyfriend's apartment to remove your personal belongings if he is not home?

Yes, it is considered trespassing to enter someone else's property without their permission, regardless of your previous relationship with them. It is best to communicate with your boyfriend and arrange a time to retrieve your belongings when he is present or give you permission to enter.

What happens if a person moves into a forclosed home without permission?

Moving into a foreclosed home without permission is considered illegal trespassing. The rightful owner or bank can take legal action to evict the person from the property. It's important to obtain proper permission or go through the appropriate channels to occupy a foreclosed home.

Is it illegal to go into an abandoned house?

It all really depends on two things: How long it has been vacant, if the house has been empty for 12 years for example then it's probably safe to say that whoever owns it doesn't have imidiate intentions of selling it or fixing it up. The law; if you intend to go sight seeing, make sure you aren't trespassing; if there are locks, fences, and or signs, these all mean you would he trespassing on the property. Also it would be safe to ask the local police.

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Why are storm drains important?

They help all the water go down when it floods.

How does fertilizer affect your oceans?

First, the fertilizer flows into the storm drains. The storm drains flow into streams or rivers, and then the rivers flow into the ocean.

Do all the drains in a house or apartment go directly into a sewer?

Not necessarily as some systems do have a storm water piping to keep soil and waste separate from storm

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as adult like you go to the windmill and learn the storm song...then u go back as a child and play it...the well drains

How could our water be cleaner?

One of the best ways to make our water cleaner is to require all new construction to put their storm drains into the sewer system. Many cities are built near major rivers or streams. They were built near streams not only because the cities population needed the river for drinking water, but because boats and barges allowed commercial goods and people to travel to and from the city on the river. But now, we usually travel by car and the river is not used as a major source of transportation, but it still gets contaminated from the people who live in the city. Our sewers use to run into the river, but now they go to treatment plants, but our storm waste (that which runs off of the roof of our houses, from watering our lawns, and washing our cars) go to storm drains which go to the rivers. Great amounts of detergents, pesticides, herbicides, oil from our cars...go into the rivers from the storm drains. If new storm drains were to be routed to the treatment plants, then all of this waste would be taken out before the water was returned to the rivers. This is one major way our water could be cleaner.

What is the penalty for criminal trespassing in indiana?

The penalty for trespassing in Indiana depends on where you are. You may get a fine or you could possibly go to jail.

Can ants come up drains?

Yes and they also go down the drains

Is it illegal to intentionally turn off someone else's power?

To do this, you will probably have to actually go on to their property. This is called trespassing. The act of turning someone's power off may not be illegal (provided you don't damage anything), however trespassing on their property to do it, is.

How does rain go in the sewer?

through drains

Is it trespassing if you go onto your friends property when they are not home to get your dog and other belongings?

Yes, it can still be considered trespassing even if your friend is not home. It is best to communicate with your friend and obtain permission before entering their property to retrieve your belongings.

How do you stop your outside drains from smelling?

All You Have To Do Is Better Some More Drains You Cheap Gayer Go And Have A Bath

Where do puddles go after snow melts?

They evaporate or go down the drains.