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1d ago

No, "ones" is not correct when referring to an individual person. "Ones" typically refers to a group or category of things. To refer to an individual in the singular form, you would say "one is."

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Q: Is it correct to say ones considering one is singular?
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Ones is correct here.

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The noun 'one' is the singular form; the plural form is ones. Example sentences: I have a five and two ones. The size ones are at the end of the row. The ones are the numbers for the first floor units. The word one is also an indefinite pronoun and adjective.

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The correct spelling of the singular noun is audience (one audience).The correct singular possessive form is audience's.Example: The audience's reaction made the singer smile.

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The verb 'is' is correct for the singular subject of the sentence: one.

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"A lot" is singular, and it is the subject, so the verb is singular too: "has."

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One of the players who has is correct; this is true because ONE, being the subject, calls for a singular verb. If players were the subject, a plural verb would be correct.

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No, it is not grammatically correct to say "these ones." Instead, you should say "these" or "these ones" without both words together.

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Were. There were a few books on the shelf. Was - is singular. There was one book.

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Either one can be, dependent on context. The first would typically be used for multiple objects/people/etc. while the second is more fitting for singular ones.

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No, the correct phrase in American English would be "There is more than one mirror." Although technically referring to a plural noun, in most contexts "more" is treated as singular which then requires a singular verb. In the question's phrase, "one" is modifying "mirrors"; since the adjective is singular, the noun would be singular as well.

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Both are grammatically correct. "When is the interview" is singular, asking when one interview is. The plural one talking about numerous interviews is "when are the interviews."