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yes it is dangerous, becasue it will become warmer and then a exothermic reaction will happen

hope this helped ;D

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Q: Is it dangerous adding water to concentrated sulphuric acid?
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Safest way to dilute concentrated sulfuric acid?

Sulphuric acid should be diluted by adding acid to water while stirring continuously.

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Is dilute sulphuric acid compound?

Dilute sulphuric acid is an aqueous solution, formed by adding water to sulphuric acid, resulting in a homogeneous mixture.

Is the addition of water to concentrated sulphuric acid chemical or physical change?

Chemical change

What happens when you mix water and sulphuric acid?

when we add water n sulphuric acid then dilute sulphuric acid is formed. But we have to mix concentrated acid to water not water to acid otherwise the container in which u r mixing may explode because this reaction is highly exothermic.

Why sulfuric acid is mixed in water?

This is to dilute the sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid in high concentrations is dangerous and very corrosive.

What is the difference between dilutes and concentrated acid's?

diluted acid is less concentrated i.e. it is mixed with water and a less harmful(like sulphuric acid.) whereas concentrated acid is in its original form...

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A concentrated solution can be weakened by adding more of the solution material (usually water) to dilute it.

Is sulfurous acid a dehydrating agent?

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Does adding detergent to water make it more dilute or concentrated?

Anything you add water to dilutes it.

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your ugly

How do you make 0.1 Molar of sulfuric acid?

9,8 g concentrated sulphuric acid to 1 L of water (attention to mixing !)