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Q: Is it dangerous if you are bite by leech?
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Related questions

Is the leech's bite painful?

No, but the leech's bite can cause serious itchiness and a lot of blood loss. So, the best idea is to avoid them as possible as you can.

Can you get sick after getting bitten by a leech?

Leech bites do not typically make people sick. However, some people are highly allergic to the leech bite and require immediate medical attention if bitten.

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Can a leech bite become infected?

Because of the anti-coagulants in a leech's saliva, the sight of the bite will tend to bleed a little bit longer than normal. However, it will stop eventually, just keep pressure on it with your hand and a cloth. it will eventually scab over like any other scratch.

Are babies dangerous?

They can be dangerous, since they do have teeth and can bite, but they are normally not dangerous, and are usually pretty calm.

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black pine beetle can bite if they feel threatened. Panicking is not recommended. The bite can be very painful but is not poisonous or dangerous.

Why doesn't a leech bite hurt?

Because their saliva has a type of anesthetic in it, preventing you from feeling when they bite you. This allows them to feed off of your blood without you knowing it.

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yes the Arctic fox is dangerous it will probably bite you and scratch you pretty badly

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Only when they bite

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because they might bite you.

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When they bite it hurts

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