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yes, they are poisonous.

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Q: Is it dangerous to eat raw chestnuts?
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How dangerous is it to eat moldy chestnuts?

That is crazy you might kill yourself from food poisoning

You are pregnant can you eat sweet chestnuts?

I can find nothing that says that sweet chestnuts are at all dangerous in pregnancy, so if that is your craving, go ahead. Incidentally chestnuts are no relation to peanuts and others which may cause allergires in susceptible families.

Is it ok to eat water chestnuts raw?

raw water chestnuts are actually really good... crunchy and sweet... after you peel them of course, but if I'm not mistaken, there is also a high risk of contracting a parasite if you eat them raw.

Why is it dangerous to eat raw meat?

Bacteria and Salmonella can infect it.

If you are nut intolerant can you eat chestnuts?

no,chestnuts are still a type of nut

What is dangerous about eating raw food like chicken?

It is very dangerous to eat raw food like chicken. Raw food like chicken can cause things like samenia. Also raw foods are not only dangerous to you but to your pets. Raw foods can cause your pets to get sick as well.

What animal eats horse chestnuts?

Dogs love to chew on horse chestnuts. Rodents such as squirrels & chipmunks are the main animals that really eat horse chestnuts.

Why is under cooked turkey dangerous?

Because its meat is still raw and when you eat it you can get dangerous viruses that can harm your digestive system.

Can you eat horse chestnuts when pregnant?

Conkers (Horse Chestnuts) are inedible, possibly toxic to everyone.

Does eating raw eggs give you muscle?

Never eat raw eggs because it could be dangerous. Raw eggs could give you salmonella disease.

Can water chestnuts make a dog sick?

When raw, Water Chestnuts are dangerous due to Fasciolopsiasis that can be found on the surface of the plant and therefore get into the product. When cooked, Water Chestnuts are fine. They act as ruffage and do not digest at all, therefore, chopped up or minced is better than sliced disks (as found in most cans). At the end of the day, I'd recommend to just stay away from them. If you want to give your dog ruffage, give them carrots. Our 2 Yorkies and 2 Maltese like carrots as treats. Do not ever let your dog eat horse chestnuts (these are the ones that grow inside of a pod that looks similar to an orange... not the ones that grow in a small pod with spikes on the outside (roasting chestnuts). Horse chestnuts are straight up poisonous. They cause a drastic reduction in red blood cells. I do not know whether roasting chestnuts are bad for dogs.

Are roasted chestnuts safe for dogs?

Dogs should not eat any type of chestnuts. Chestnuts are highly toxic to them and can potentially risk your dogs health. Keep any chestnuts away from where a dog can get to them.