

Is it dangerous to get pregnant after you had herpes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no, but you will have to have a c-section done if you have an outbreak anytime soon before your pregnancy. They have a shot that they will give you at around 30 something weeks I think it might be 36, to keep you from getting an outbreak if you haven't had one yet during the pregnancy. I am assuming that you are talking about genital herpes.

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Q: Is it dangerous to get pregnant after you had herpes?
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Well, the mother will probably get herpes. The unborn child will get herpes when it passes through the birth canal, which is why C-sections are common among mothers with STI's.

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Yes he can.YES they can. Herpes doesn't affect fertility, sperm, or the reproductive systemYes, and a woman who had Herpes can also have the child but often with c-section so the baby don't get Herpes during birth. If she does not have Herpes it would be a good idea to contact a doctor so you can avoid passing it to her.

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If you have hurpes can you still get pregnant?

Absolutely YES! Genital herpes may be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. This means sex and practically anything else that can lead to sex. This includes kissing, oral sex, anal sex, etcetera. Genital herpes does not keep you from getting pregnant. In fact, if you or your partner have genital herpes you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor can show you how to use safer birth control so you don't pass the herpes virus to each other (or anyone else) and do his/her best to make sure you don't get pregnant. Babies born to mothers with Herpes generally contract herpes when they are born from the vagina. Many times, women with genital herpes are forced to have a caesarean delivery (when they cut her tummy open and get the baby out) just to protect the baby from getting Herpes. This is VERY SERIOUS! See a doctor and learn what to do to protect yourself and your partner and NOT get pregnant until you learn more.

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