

Is it dangerous to keep pet rats?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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12y ago

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No, Not if they are properly cared for then they will love you forever with the odd nibble or bite (until they know you more better)

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Q: Is it dangerous to keep pet rats?
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Where can you keep a pet rat if you go on vacation?

at th zoo if they accept rats

Can pet rats have rabbies?

No. All pet rats are vaccinated.


OK let me get this straight. Rats are animals. All forms of life are equal. People just think they are "gross" because they seek shelter in their homes and sometimes have diseases. Pet rats can quite wonderful. You can find a pet rat at a pet shop for about 5$ to 30$. Tip: Do not try to keep wild rats as pets for various reasons.

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Rats and mice are Omnivores, they will eat meat and veggies

Are pet rats easy to travel with?

Just keep it in it's cage or travel cage and it will be all right.

Where you can find rats?

You can find pet rats in a lot of pet stores, or animal rescues. You can find wild rats just about anywhere.

Are rats noctural?

In the wild yes they are, But if you keep a pet rat then you can train them to sleep when you sleep. But yes they are naturally Nocturnal.

Are mice as dangerous as rats?

Rats are actually very nice animals. They are one of the smartest species out there too. I do have a couple of rats as pets yet i have never had a mouse as a pet. My friends have a couple and they said the only problem with mice is that there teath are razer sharp

Why are pet rats called fancy rats?

its not all pet rats its just the ones that are black and white because it looks somewhat like a tuxedo

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Do pet rats draw rats to a home?

No, they can sometimes prevent them!