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Q: Is it dangerous to put rubbing alcohol in your ear?
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Is it dangerous to put alcohol in your ear to disinfect it?

No, it is not dangerous. Placing rubbing alcohol inside the ear has been a tested remedy for removing water in the ear after swimming. Hydrogen peroxide works better at cleaning out the ear.

Can the alcohol put in rubbing alcohol be put in beverages?


Can you put a drop or two of rubbing alcohol in your ear to remove pool water after swimming?

Yes, to dry out your ears. Hydrogen peroxide (at the drug store),to remove ear wax.

Can rubbing alcohol cause blistering in the vaginal area?

Rubbing alcohol should not be put on your genitals.

Can you use rubbing alcohol on your infected pierced ears?

I would not recommend first using hyrdogen peroxide to loosen up any material that may be in the ear and then sparingly use the rubbing alcohol to kill any outer ear infection and dry out any liquid in the ear (rubbing alcohol evaporates at body temperature). You can use rubbing alcohol in very small amounts to dry water in your ear. However, it will also leave your ear very dry and itchy.

Will a birthmark go away if you put rubbing alcohol on it?

No, alcohol is not going to do anything to it.

Can you put rubbing alcohol in tea?

NO! It is not for internal consumption.

Can you put rubbing alcohol in your gas tank?

yes it evaporates

How do you use rubbing in the sentence?

When rubbing a dogs ears, watch out to make sure you dont put your finger in the dogs ear.

Why does rubbing alcohol burn on your scrotum?

It is natures little way of telling you not to put alcohol on your scrotum.

How do you treat a cut toe?

Clean it with rubbing alcohol, put neosporin on it and put a bandaid on it.

Can you put rubbing alcohol in a diesel engine?

Ya its possible to blend rubbing alcohol with diesel by 25%.It give good performance and reduction in NOx emission.....