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You can have one ferret but it is recommended that you have at least two. Ferrets are extremely social creatures and need company. Without it they become depressed and may be harder to handle. If you have only one ferret you will need to spend at least 3-4 hours a day playing with the ferret. If you have two ferrets you won't need to spend as long with them as they will play together.

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Q: Is it good to have more then one ferret or can you just have one?
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What is John McCain's name for his ferret?

His ferret is dead. no one knows how it died it just died. but i feel sorry for the ferret and all but I'm all for Obama'08

Would a ferret be a good present for my son for Christmas?

No, a ferret would not be a good present at Christmas for anyone. If someone wants a pet, let them choose one for themselves.

Why do ferrets act weird when a new one is introduced into its cage?

What do you mean by "weird?" Ferrets have a pecking order, much like dogs. If you have multiple ferrets and you introduce a new one, the dominant ferret and the new ferret will likely "wrestle" for dominance. If you introduce a new ferret to an older ferret who is not used to having company in his cage then the older ferret just may reject the new ferret altogether. Or it may just take him a while to warm up to having a new playmate.

How are the relationships of a ferrets group?

Every ferret has a unique personality. Relationships in ferret groups can vary - One might be the alpha ferret and bully the other ferrets. Then you have a ferret that will have a strong bond with one or more cage mates that if they are separated or one dies, the other might go into a depression, quit eating and die. A ferret that is a newcomer to a ferret group might not be welcomed by the other ferrets and gets picked on or bullied. Female ferrets tend to mother other ferrets. Sometimes a ferret that has been raised alone and then introduced to a group, might be frightened around other ferrets or just not like other ferrets.

Is a male ferret more reckless than a female ferret?

Some male ferrets tend to be more laid back than females. But being reckless is a trait that's in most ferrets. from another contributor: In my experiences, all ferrets have different personalities! I had a female, and she would dive head first into the pool, and swim underwater, and had a male ferret that just swam on the surface. Each ferret is different, embrace each and every one of their traits!

What is the young of a ferret?

A young ferret or baby ferret is known as a kit.

What size litter will a ferret have?

Ferret litters vary greatly. The litter could be just one kit or as many as 17 kits. The average litter is 6-8 kits.

What is the best bread of ferret to have for a pet?

There is only one breed of domestic ferret.

What is large red growth at end of ferret tail?

It is probably a tumor. I'd guess it is benign, as I've heard of more than one ferret with a benign tumor on the end of its tail. You should take your ferret to the vet, as this is not normal and could be harmful.

Why does you ferret get mad?

What do you mean by mad? If your ferret is tearing up stuff it probably is not getting as much time out of its cage as it should, ferrets should have 2-4 hours out of their cage a day. If you are gone/busy all day, you could get a bigger cage (if you can afford it) and another ferret for a play mate; but you should still give your ferret(s) one on one play time with you.If your ferret is biting you then you can spray bitter apple on your hand and that will detour any biting; however, if your ferret is a kit it's probably just tryng to play with you. Remember that a ferret's skin is tougher than a human's, so a gentle nip to a ferret means come play with me! But to you it hurts, heres a link to how to nip train your ferret.

Where could one purchase a ferret cage?

One may purchase a ferret cage at Petco, Petsmart, Atwoods, or Walmart.

Should you get a baby ferret or an older ferret?

A baby ferret requires a lot of attention and training, plus they are very active. An older ferret should already have training and not as active as they tend to sleep more. If you've never owned a ferret before, I would recommend getting an older, trained one. Bite and housetraining a ferret takes quite a bit of work and dedication and can be challenging for a first time ferret owner. You can find young ferrets up for adoption that have received the proper training from the shelter.