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im thinking you would water the soil

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Q: Is it good to water tomato plants directly on the plants or just the soil there in?
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How will adding ½ cup of agave per plant to the water as needed affect the growth of tomato plants?

Agave is sugar. Sugar is a good fertilizer. So it will be good for many plants that need a lot of feeding.

Can you plant habaneros next to tomato plants?

Absolutely, I do it all the time. Is good for the tomato as it keeps away pests

How do you have a good harvest for tomato plants?

Prepare soil that meets the needs of tomatoes- nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. Plant the plants deep- up to the first leaves. Mulch plants to control weeds and conserve water. Fertilize after the first fruit develops. Control plant pests (tomato hornworms) with the use of a biological such as BT. Stake or cage tomato plants to keep fruit off the ground.

What is the germination period for tomato plants?

In a good environment around a week.

Do a tomato have water in it?

A good rule of thumb is to water when the top 1" is dry and water early in the day and do not splash water on the plant. Soak to encourage deep root growth

Are tomato vascular or nonvascular?

it's a vascular, seeded plant. angiosperm to be more specific! Kingdom: PlantaeSubkingdom: TracheobiontaDivision: MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaSubclass: AsteridaeOrder: SolanalesFamily: SolanaceaeGenus: SolanumSpecies: S. lycopersicumto be REALLY specific!

What soil is the best for tomato plants?

Tomato plants can only take up nutrients from the soil if the pH levels are correct. You will want to get it tested. The correct level should range between 6.0 and 6.8. The links below provide a good synopsis for tomato cultivation.

Why is plain water good for plants?

It is good for plants since it is like rain water

Will a tomato rot faster in warm water or cold water?

The tomato would rot faster in warm water because, when you put a tomato in cold temperature ex: refrigerator the tomato does not rot and it stays good for a long period of time, now if you put the tomato in warm temperature or room temperature for instance, the tomato has more chance of rotting than in cold temperature so the tomato rots faster in warm water.

Does well water hurt plants?

No, well water is good for plants

Is Tomato or tomato juice good or bad for prostrate?

Is tomato or tomato juice good for your prostrate