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Q: Is it grammatically correct to say Thank you for meeting with both Robert and i?
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Is the following sentence gramatically correct Thank you for meeting with Robert and I?

No. The first person pronoun is the object of the preposition "with" and uses the objective case: "Thank you for meeting with Robert and me." It is much more obvious if you remove the words "Robert and."

What is the grammatically correct response to how are you?

The grammatically correct response to "How are you?" is typically "I'm good, thank you," or "I'm doing well, thanks."

Is this sentence grammatically correct Thank you for offering your assistance?

Yes, it is.

Is saying thank you very kindly grammatically correct?

Only if punctuated: Thanks, God. If not directly addressing the Almighty, Thank God is the correct form.

What is correct to use thank you for meeting with my colleagues and me or meeting with my colleagues and I?

The answer is "Thank you for meeting with my colleagues and me." A tip for remembering this usage is to eliminate the word "colleagues." Then the statement becomes, "Thanks for meeting with I," which of course sounds wrong. That tells you that the correct pronoun is "me."

Is this sentence grammatically correct Thank you John?

If you are making a direct address it should be "Thank you, John" - with the comma.

Is this sentence grammatically correct Thank you for your time on this matter?

More correctly it would be... Thank you for giving this matter your attention.

What is correct grammar for Michael I and the girls thank you for your generous gift?

"Michael, I, and the girls thank you for the generous gift." ... that works grammatically. You could switch around the order if you wanted to: "The girls, Michael, and I all thank you..." (with or without "all") "I, Michael, and the girls thank you..." (with or without "all") any of those work grammatically.

Is it grammatically correct to say He and I?

It depends upon the context. If you are using them as the subject of a sentence or clause, this is correct. If you are using them as the object of a sentence, clause, or preposition, you would use "us". Examples: He and I walked to the store. Sally walked to the store with us. He and I said, "Thank you." Sally said, "Thank you," to us.

Which is correct Thank you for your generosity to Bob and I Or Thank you for your generosity to me and Bob?

The first thank you is correct.

Is thank you for yesterday correct?

"Thank you for delivering it to me yesterday"

Should thank you be written as thank-you?

Thank You not Thank-You is the correct form to use.