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Well it all depends. All in all, Lanie's hair is fairly okay to brush, but I suggest using the AG pick to brush it cuz it's better for curly haired dolls. The better condition Lanie's hair is in, the easier it'll be to brush it.

Hope I helped! :)

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Q: Is it hard to brush lanie the American girl dolls hair?
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Is there a American girl doll?

Yes recently a new doll called Lanie came out and it's only going to be out for a year. Lanie is gone, now there is 3 new My American Girl Dolls.

Who is Lanie the American girl?

Lanie the American girl is a very popular doll. She was the girl of the year for 2010. She was a very big hit but you can't buy here at American girl because there is new American girl dolls every year for the girl of the year. Lanie has many different close and accessorize. She has a pet bunny that she taught many trikes. She has 2 books about her and her everyday life. Lanie is a outdoors girl that loves nature and everything about the outdoors. She loves animals and every living thing. She has a camper that is filled with everything that she would need and more it is very big and great. Lanie is a very loving girl. She is like a regular girl that even has a sister and a loving family. Know there is a lot of American girl dolls but Lanie would have 2 be 1 of my favorite's. She has lots of animals that you could get that are Lanie's and clothes. Lanie is very cool!:D I would recommend her to anyone. You can even get clothes that you could wear to match your American girl doll. If you have any questions about any American girl doll please tell me all you do is hit the discussion button. I would love to talk. I have Lanie and you should to. If you think American girl dolls are kiddish. Well, all I do is dress them up and do there hair and it work. I don't play with them but they're still pretty fun.Thanks for reading!:D

What are the bangs that Lanie Holland the 2010 girl of the year of American Girl have?

Lanie has "side-swept" bangs.

Can the American girl dolls hair grow?

No,American Girl doll hair is not real hair

Can you brush American girl Doll Kayas hair?

Yes you can. Like all American Girl Dolls, they must be treated with care while brushing their hair.

How do you brush your American girl dolls hair without their proper hairbrush?

If I were you, I wouldn't use your own brush on the doll. The best brush for the doll would be the official American girl brush that you can buy through the store. It's your choice though on which brush you want to use. .... No! dont use ur own brush, it will totally mess up their hair.

Does the Lanie American girl doll come with a code?

Nope, just the JLY, or "My American Girl Doll" uggh

What is the American Girl Lanie Doll Camper made out of?

Plastic...................................................I think.

How many books does the American girl doll lanie have?

2!! Enjoy them!!

What is the new American girl for 2010?

Lanie go to to see a picture of her.

Does dillard's or macy's carry American girl dolls?

No, sorry. The only store that carrys American girl dolls is the American girl store.

Are Maplelea dolls feet bigger than American girl dolls feet?

Maplelea feet are slightly longer and narrower than American Girl feet. All Maplelea footwear will fit American Girl dolls, but not all American Girl footwear will fit Maplelea dolls.