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Not if they are related (siblings, parent/child, grandparent/child, etc.), or have parental consent and the intent is not for illegal purposes.

If the intent is for an illicit liaison (sexual contact), then the staying in a hotel room is not the issue here. The criminal act of sexual contact with a minor is. However, if this is the case, you might want to consider that renting the hotel room will help the prosecutor build his case by providing evidence of intent.

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Q: Is it illegal for a minor to stay in a hotel room with non-minor in CA?
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No, as that is an invasion of privacy, not to mention illegal.

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You have to be at least 18 years old in order to be able to reserve a hotel room in Delaware. An adult can give consent and reserve a hotel room for a minor.

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Is it legal for a 17 year old girl to stay in a hotel room with a 22 year old male in Oregon?

To stay in the same room as friends where you of course need parental consent to be in that room as you need their consent for everything else, no it's not illegal. If staying in the same hotel room is a euphemism for having sex - then it is illegal since age of consent is 18 in Oregon with no close in age exemptions.

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yes, unlawful detention and possibly more if he's stuck there for too long.

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A triple room in a hotel is usually a room containing three beds.