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i think that would be awesome if my teacher would change my grade but i don't think teachers are actually allowed to change the grades due to the unfairness and the district school board

It depends upon the school district. Students should be graded on what they know. Bad behavior should be addressed as a discipline issue, not an academic issue.

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Q: Is it illegal for a teacher to change your grade due to behavior?
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Study and bring your teacher an Apple every day

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To improve your grades, you have to study hard. As to your being scared of your teacher, think about it - this fear may well be unfounded.

Why is behavior important in class?

So that nobody misses out on anything the teacher is saying, or so that conduct grade may increase.

How do you change a grade on your report card?

The teacher will ALWAYS find out if you changed your grade so DON'T do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She can tell, seriously, and if you get a bad grade then big deal!!!!!!!!!!

Is it illegal for a teacher to text during class?

I dont think so.......My teachers do it all the time and Im only in 5th grade!

Is it illegal to BlackJack at school?

Yes, I got caught in the eight-grade, luckily the teacher was my friend so he didn't rat on me or my friends.

Would a teacher be so cruel to give you a bad grade because they don't like you?

it all depends on if you did something bad so they have something to cover for giving you a bad gradeGenerally no, but it is a possibility that a child could be graded unjustly. If you feel that this has happened, you can try asking your teacher the reason you received a particular grade. If that doesn't resolve it, then telling your parents that you feel you received an unjust grade is the best solution, and they can get a parent teacher meeting to sort the issue out.

How do you persuade your teacher to bump your grade up if you have an eighty-nine percent?

Go and talk to your teacher and be really nice about it. Ordering them to change the grade will not help. But if you prove to them that you actually know the material and give them a proper reason as to why you were not able to get the grade you want in the first place, your teacher is bound to help you.

What grade does Algebra 2?

If you are intelligient and passed your algebra test in sixth grade,in seventh you will have Algebra 1 .If you pass Algebra 1 in seventh grade there is a possibility that you will get Algebra 2.Depends on what your teacher thinks about your behavior or citizenship.

Is mindless behavior still in school?

Of course ! They have a homeschool teacher that follows them during the tour. Roc and Prod are in the 10th grade. The others are in the 9th.

What grade to be a piano teacher?

The grade you have to be a piano teacher is a masters degree in collage.