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its adultery which is a sin, not illegal unless in a prenup situation

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Q: Is it illegal for a wife to cheat on her husband while he is deployed?
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Should you cheat on my wife because she cheated on me while you were deployed?

heck no! just because she cheated on you doesnt give you any reason to cheat on her.

Why does a beloved woman cheat on her husband while loves him?

Quite simply because she doesn't love him.

Can you apply to retrain while in a deployed location?

Yes, your retraining window does not change while deployed.

Dream of fiance cheating while your deployed?

* This is very common to dream of your fiance cheating because you are deployed and under orders and your fiance is free at home to do as she wishes. You should know her enough to know whether she is the type of young woman that would cheat on you. Some women do cheat because they become lonely, but thankfully most women do not cheat while their fiances or husbands are deployed. Keep writing and if possible (and a tape recorder is available to you) ask her to send you a tape of her talking to you just so you can hear her voice and do the same thing for her. Sometimes hearing each others voices is the next best thing to being there. Take care and God Bless.

Did Alexander Hamilton cheat on his wife?

yes he did cheat on her for 13 monthes

Is it mandatory to pass apft while deployed?

yes it is, while the personnell conducting/supervising the pft may not care as much while being deployed. you are still required to pass all stages of a pft while on active or reserve duty status

Is it OK to marry a Muslim in other country while you have a husband here in the Philippines?

In Muslim culture I'm pretty sure it's illegal for a woman to have more than one husband, so if your Muslim husband were ever to find out about your husband in the Philippines it could lead to some harsh consequences. Why don't you stick with one husband?

Can you get a chapter 14-12b discharge in the National Guard while deployed?

Just because you are deployed, does not mean you are immune to receiving any disciplinary charges against you.

How do we see the story?

The story about the man who left his three dogs while he was deployed?

Can your illegal husband stay in us while waiting for papers to be processed?

It is not possible as he will be deported because of his illegal status. Chance of his application to get approved are very thin as he will be banned for 10yrs (sometimes applicants can appeal against it under specific circumstances).

Why soldiers do not wear special skill badges while deployed?

it's against policy

How do you save a marriage while deployed?

This is a very difficult situation, but some marriages can be saved when an individual is deployed and their mate is not. Talk to the Chaplin and discuss your problems. Phone your wife and try to discuss it with her. If someone has a tape recorder there then borrow it; find a secluded spot (if possible) and pour out your heart to her. There are many divorces when the husband is deployed (or some women) and it's a miserable way for the other mate back home to behave simply because they are lonely. Wishing you luck and talk to the Chaplin and send that tape!