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yes its bad but if you lived in Canada like me you could though It is not illegal to date but there are differing limitations for sexual intercourse in all states, check the local statutes on this.

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Q: Is it illegal for an underage girl who is sixteen years old to date a twenty year old girl in Massachusetts?
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Is it legal for a sixteen year old girl to date a boy who just turned twenty in Colorado?

Dating is legal sex is illegal for underage persons.

In Kentucky is it illegal for a sixteen-year-old girl and a twenty-two-year-old boy to date or have a relationship?

Dating is not illegal; sex is illegal.

Is it illegal in Michigan for a twenty year old to get a sixteen year old pregnant?

No, but it is certainly rude.

What is sixteen twenty eights in simplest form?

16/28 = sixteen twenty-eighths = 4/7

What is the North Carolina law for dating a girl sixteen and a guy twenty-one?

It is okay to date, it doesn't become illegal unless you have sex.

Can a sixteen year old girl move with her boyfriend that is twenty five if she has a baby?

I would research this for yourself. but I'm pretty sure that the parents would have to give consent since you are underage and your boyfriend is 25.

Is it illegal for a twenty year old to date or kiss a sixteen year old?

Dating as in hanging out is legal as long as her parents agree to it but anything sexual, like kissing, is illegal until she is 18.

Is it legal for a sixteen year old and a twenty year old to kiss?

The legality of a kiss between a sixteen-year-old and a twenty-year-old depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction. In many places, kissing is not illegal, but sexual activity with a minor could be considered a crime. It is important to familiarize oneself with the age of consent laws in the relevant area.

Is it illegal for a sixteen year old to date a twenty year old in Kentucky?

Yes of course it is you can sleep with your family y would age matter lol

What is sixteen multiplied by twenty?


How is 16.23 written in word form?

Sixteen and twenty-three hundredths. Most of us would say sixteen point twenty-three.

What is twenty percent of sixteen dollars?

three dollars twenty cents