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Q: Is it illegal in the US to sell your body?
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Selling body parts is universally illegal in the US.

How much is a body worth?

If you were to sell the human body, which is illegal, it would cost 36 dollars.

What kind of food is illegal to sell in college?

No food is illegal to sell in college in the US. However, it is illegal to sell foods laced with drugs, such as marijuana brownies. This is due to the drugs inside of them, though, not the food itself.

How much for the trunk?

It is illegal to sell Elephant trunks because it is illegal to kill animals and bring their body part back into the US. So, elephant trunks don't cost anything, because you can't buy them.

Is it legal to sell your own body parts?

You can sell quite a few body parts. You can't sell any internal organs. Urine sale is also illegal. You can sell things like blood, hair, and sperm

Is goat meat illegal to buy and sell?

It is legal to buy and sell in both the UK and the US. However, every country has different laws, so it may be illegal somewhere.

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No. it's illegal to sell human bodies/bodyparts in the US.

Why is selling ivory beads illegal through out the us?

it's illegal to sell ivory because there are very few elephants left/

How do you sell a kidney?

Can't sell organs. It's illegal. The National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA), a federal law, makes it illegal to buy or sell organs for profit. You can be sentenced to five years in prison or a $50,000 fine, or both.

Can you sell my kidney and how?

No, you cannot sell a kidney. Organ sales are illegal in the US and UK. however, there is debate about whether or not this should be legalized.

Is it illegal to sell drinks out of your car?

no it is not illegal to sell drinks out of your car

Is it illegal to sell dye colored chicks in the US?

No but I don't know which states it is and isn't allowed in.