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Businesses are free to add a surcharge for purchases made by credit or debit cards.

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Q: Is it illegal to charge customers for credit card purchases?
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Related questions

How do firms benefit from credit purchases?

They can charge extra money for the credit and encourage consumers to spend more.

Can merchant charge the consumer the chargeback fee they pay?

The merchant can push the fee they pay to run credit cards onto the consumer. This is especially so for smaller businesses who may not get as many credit purchases, but still want to offer it to their customers. The chargeback fee sometiems is too expensive to pay, and rather than declining all credit purchases, they push the fee onto customers. This is done commonly at some gas stations, too.

Can you sue your credit card company for allowing you to make illegal purchases?

Nice try - but no, you can't.

You are an Merchant having credit card details from Customers. How do you charge them?

I am an Indian Merchant,having credit card details from Customers.How do I charge them?

Is it illegal for a merchant to charge a fee for using a credit card in NEBR?

Highly Illegal

Is it legal to invoice in Canadian funds but charge that amount in US funds on your credit card?

if your credit card is Canadian and you go to the USA your purchases will be charged in US funds, if your credit card is American and you come to Canada you purchases will be in Canadian funds.

What is meant by debtors?

Debtors are those customers who purchases goods from company on credit so debtors are current assets of business.

What is the difference between a purchase on account and a sale on account?

Purchase on account means purchases from vendors on credit while sales on account means selling to customers on credit.

What is entry of credit and cash purchases?

Debit Purchases Credit Cash

Is it legal to charge customers a processing fee for using credit card in a restaurant?

Yes .

Where do you find credit purchases in financial statements?

Credit purchases are shown in income statement as a part of total purchases.

What are credit purchases?

credit purchases are goods that you buy on credit and and pay little by little to pay to the person you owen.