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It's not illegal. Take care of her though, like your 21, and she's only 16, so don't take her to a bar or anythin'.

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Q: Is it illegal to date a girl who is 16 when im 22 in the state of Mississippi?
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It is not illegal for them to date, but is is illegal for them to have sex.

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no but, after he turns he 18 it becomes illegal. I don't know however what there state law is.

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No you are both adults and do as you wish.

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No it is not, the age of consent in the State of New Jersey is 16.

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not illegal to date or be together. illegal for any sexual contact until she is no longer under parental control. which is probably 18. wait a year.

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No, that is very illegal until you are 18.

Is it illegal for a 16 year girl to date a 20 year old guy in the state of Florida?

It is not illegal but i do not think it is a good idea sorry i could not help It is not illegal but i do not think it is a good idea sorry i could not help