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Q: Is it illegal to drive and use your cell phone in new jersey?
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Is it illegal to drive and use your cell phone in every state?

Not every state. CA and NY are a definite yes, but i am not sure about the other states. It's also illegal in New Jersey as well

Is it illegal to use a cell phone and drive a school bus?

Yes, in most ( if not all) states it is illegal to drive a school bus and talk on the phone at the same time

Is it against the law to talk on a cell phone and drive in the state of Missouri?

I just spoke to a police officer and he said that it is not illegal to text or talk on a cell phone while driving YET. They are trying to pass it as a law. A law was recently past that it is illegal to drive and text under the age of 21yrs. in the state of MO. Now you can and probably will be found guilty if you are on the phone talking and are involved in an accident.

Does Illinois have a cell phone law?

Illinois is currently in the process of making it illegal to drive while talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. It was approved in the senate, as of May 2009, and is waiting to be signed by the governor.

Is it illegal to erase the memory of someone else's cell phone?

Yes, it is generally illegal to erase the memory of someone else's cell phone without their permission. Doing so can be considered a violation of privacy and personal property rights, as well as potentially breaking laws related to unauthorized access to electronic devices.

Are cell phone apps illegal?

Cell phone apps are not illegal. There are thousands of legitimate cell phone apps on the market that can be implemented for every day use. The only apps that may be illegal are apps that may violate copyright or trademark infringements.

Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Ohio?

In Brooklyn, Ohio it is illegal tio use a cell phone while driving

Is it illegal to use your cell phone while driving in Tennessee?

Yes, it is illegal to use a handheld cell phone while driving in Tennessee. Drivers are prohibited from holding a cellphone or other electronic device to conduct voice communication. Hands-free devices are allowed.

Where can you taked a cell phone in south New Jersey to cell it?

You can sell your cell phone in south New Jersey in a variety of places. These places include BuySellRepairs, Best Buy, and of course over the internet.

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Is there the possibility that one can listen to someone talking on a cell phone from different cell phone and location?

Hell yes, but its illegal