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Of course not! Certain types of meats are illegal in different countries though. Human meat is illegal everywhere, while goat meats and horse meats are legal in some places and not in others.

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Q: Is it illegal to eat meat?
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No. The slaughter and import of dog meat in Singapore is illegal and taboo.

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No, ferrets are not game animals. It is illegal to eat any animal that is classified as a pet such as ferrets

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What state allow to eat dog meat?

None. It is also illegal to eat dog meat in most countries, as it is considered uncivilized and disgusting, except in some countries in Southeast Asia where eating dog meat is a tradition dating back thousands of years

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A goat is a herbivore and a ruminant which means it eats vegetation and plant material. Goats do not eat meat and it is illegal to feed meat or meat by-products or anything that has had contact with meat to your goats due to the risk of certain diseases.

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No whale meat is illegal in the United States with the exception of a few Indian tribes that can hunt it once a year.

What meat you eat?

i don't eat meat

Do people eat horse's?

Yes, people do eat horses. In the United states it is considered illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption, but in many countries horse meat is considered no different than cow meat.